
Below you will find links to research typical of Visualizing English Print members.


Eric Alexander and Michael Gleicher. "Task-Driven Comparison of Topic Models." To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VAST). Forthcoming 2015.*

Michael Correll, Michael Gleicher. "Error Bars Considered Harmful: Exploring Alternate Encodings for Mean and Error." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 20. (December 2014): 2141-2151.

Michael Correll, Eric Alexander, Danielle Albers, Alper Sariyaka, and Michael Gleicher. "Navigating Reductionism and Holism in Evaluation." Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization--BELIV '14. (New York: ACM, 2014): 23-26.

Eric Alexander, Joe Kohlmann, Robin Valenza, Michael Witmore, Michael Gleicher. "Serendip: Topic Model-Driven Visual Exploration of Text Corpora." 2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. (November 2014): 173-182.

Blog Posts

Michael Witmore, "Finding 'Distances' Between Shakespeare's Plays 2: Projecting Distances onto New Bases with PCA." Wine Dark Sea, July 6, 2015,

Michael Witmore, "Finding 'Distances' Between Shakespeare's Plays 1." Wine Dark Sea, June 23, 2015,

Julie Park and Michael Witmore, "The Novel and Moral Philosophy 3: What Does Lennox Do with Moral Philosophy Words?" Wine Dark Sea, October 26, 2014,

Julie Park, "The Novel and Moral Philosophy 2: Telling and Feeling, Aunts and Letters." Wine Dark Sea, October 25, 2014,

Eric Alexander and Michael Witmore, "The Novel and Moral Philosophy 1: What does Charlotte Lennox have to do with Adam Smith?" Wine Dark Sea, October 23, 2014,

Jonathan Hope and Michael Witmore, 'Hamlet in five words.' February 1, 2014, Globe to Globe Hamlet, - to support the Globe's world tour of the play 2014-2016.